

Grazer Straße 102

2700 Wiener Neustadt


phone: 0043 - (0)2622 - 27510 - 0    
fax: 0043 - (0)2622 - 27510 - 3 is a homepage/onlineshop of
Ing. Anton Schottleitner - Mechatronik - Elektronik - Pyrotechnik - Entwicklung, Produktion und Vertrieb GmbH  
UID: ATU45549303
managing director Schottleitner Anton

legitimate notice:
No dissuasion before contact!
If the content or design from our homepage violates third-person rights or rather legal requirements, please contact us without sending a depit note.
We guarantee to delete the rightly reject passages immediately in order that the contact of a legal department is not necessary.
if you send us a depit note all the same without contacting us before we will send it back and put forward a counter-claim if necessary because of violation of our terms.